Frequently asked questions

Contenu reducible

Combien de temps prend ma commande ?

You must keep in mind that your garment is unique and therefore the production time is 13 working days since each garment is made 1 by 1 with customization, so the shipping time starts from the moment the order leaves the warehouse.

The delivery time is 24 to 48 hours on the peninsula and 3 to 5 days to the islands.

In the event of an extension of the delivery time for exceptional reasons, the customer will be informed.

Can I return my order ?


We do not make any returns on customized products because it is a unique product created for you.

Exceptions will be made in case of error or problem directly affecting Cherry Sports Lab and the garment will be replaced.

When can I cancel my order?

You can cancel within 24 hours after the order has been placed as this is the time we need to process your order.

If you wish to cancel the order after the stipulated time, we will not refund the money, a check will be made with the value of the order to be used on the site.

I have not received my order confirmation.

If you did not receive your order confirmation in the email address you used during the purchase, please contact us by email

J'ai eu une erreur lors du processus d'achat

Do not worry!

Write us quickly and we will modify your customization data to make the product perfect. Please do it within a maximum of 24 hours, otherwise we will not be able to make the change.

Can I change the delivery address of my order?

If you have made a mistake in your shipping address, please contact our team at

Keep in mind that you must do it within a maximum of 48 hours after the order is placed.

Don't worry! It's very simple and fast 🙌

Que dois-je faire si mon produit est arrivé défectueux ?


If your product arrives defective or in bad condition, please contact us via our e-mail and we will immediately organize a garment exchange.

To facilitate the task, please send images of the product and your order number to the e-mail.

How to add a discount code ?

The discount code is added at the time of the first step of the purchase of the garment.

A box appears under the product in which you can retrieve the code.